Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I just don't know what to think!

So I just have to vent a little. I was so sad tonight when Shawn came home and asked Remie if she wanted to go on a ride to get a treat and she said "no I will just wait here for you to go and bring it to me!" That would have never been her response before the accident! It mad me so MAD! She is scared to death to get in a car! Any time you do get her in a car all she can worry about is how long it will be until she can get out! So as the night went on he asked her if she wanted to go to Montana to see her cousins. The answer was no I just want to stay home! He tried to get her many times to leave with him and she just wouldn't! If you know Remie that is not her! I felt so bad! It was time to go to bed and Shawn was trying to get her to go and she didn't want to so he said "okay lets go on a ride" and she said "no I am going to bed, you said that it was bed time!" Remie made it out of the accident not harmed physically but it definitely affected her mentally! I came up to bed tonight and thinking about this it just made me cry. This whole thing has ruined one of her favorite things to do with her Dad, go on rides! I hope that it will pass and I am sure it will, it is just going to take time just like all the rest of the stuff from this whole mess! I love her so much and I hate that it has caused her to be scared like this!


bonnie said...

Oh that's so sad. Hopefully after you get back to normal she will see that it's all going to be ok. I am sorry that she's feeling that scared.

karisadarling said...

I hope that as time passes she will be able to enjoy going in the car with her daddy again. How are you feeling? I wish I was closer so I could babysit you!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that our little sweetie is having such a hard time. I think that sounds like a pretty natural reaction, to such a scary experience. It will get easier for her. Time seems to help mend. I love you guys! Keep getting better.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Callie that is so scary, I went back and looked at other postes, so sad!! I'm glad that you are doing better, I hope that you continue to feel better. Take Care. Your girls are beautiful!! We need to catch up I have been wondering how you family is, and how Tami is doing?? Well if you have time email me its wakild21@gmail.com Have a great day!!