Sunday, March 22, 2009

Remie's Dance Competition

Remie had a dance competition this weekend, it was so fun to watch her. She did so good, I was so proud of her!
She did her trio on Friday night and they took first place! They also won Best Costume for the whole night. This made me excited because me and Sarah, Amberly and Brooklyn's mom, made the costumes!
Saturday she did her jazz and lyrical dance. They won first place for there jazz and second for there lyrical, then they won Best Showmanship for there lyrical dance! They did awesome, way to go girls!
You see Ryklee had to have a tutu just like her sisters, these two are such good friends and have so much fun together!
Remie was so funny on the way home on friday night after she got her big trophy she was so excited and she just kept saying "I worked so hard to get this trophy!" It was so cute, she has worked so hard to make sure that she knows her dances good.


CEltonMomma said...

She is quite the dancer! Thanks for inviting me to go and watch her. It is always fun to see how they progress. I was so amazed at how well they stayed together! And Calie your costumes were AMAZING! I am so happy they realized they had messed up!

BlueSkies28 said...

I love their costumes! She has gotten so big...and yet still so tiny! I will always remember her doing that little dance with the chairs!

J.E. said...

I love it! This totally gives me flashbacks from my dance days. Those costumes are adorable. She looks so mini next to those other 2 girls. Congratulations on your trophy Remie!!!

Lori said...

Remie is just adorable!! Way to go on the costumes, they are the cutest things I have ever seen! It is so fun to have little girls!

The Owen Family said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Good job on the costumes...

bonnie said...

Those costumes are SOOOO stinkin' cute. way to go Calie and Remie!!:)

JoMamma said...

She is so cute. I love the costumes. CONGRATS REMIE.

Sunny said...

C O G R A T U L I O N S! to the best dancer in the whole world! Remie I'm sorry we weren't there to watch I would have loved it! YOU ROCK! WAY TO GO! cal those costumes turned out way cute! you did a great job!

karisadarling said...

Oh my goodness, she is a doll. You are one lucky Mom!