Candice and Steele came over today to babysit me today, yes I have to have a babysitter! Kindof sucks! Not that I didn't enjoy your company Candice! Ialways do! It was nice though, Mom and Dad was able to go to church and Shawn was able to go out to little Moab with Dagan, Whit, Brennan and Jed, and other Jeep Buddies! I think that it was a little sad for him. A guy from Dagans work bought our totaled Jeep and he had it out there! It was a sad day for Shawn when he had to sign all the papers and receive the payment on the Jeep from the insurance! That was him and Remies favorite thing to do, was to go on a ride in Daddy's Jeep! He would put her car seat in the front seat and so he could drive where ever it was they was going holding her hand listening to what ever music Remie wanted to! Those times will definately be missed! Anyways as you can see Ryklee and Steele had a great day today! They both know that they can pretty much do what ever at Grandma and Grandpas and get away with it! Thank you for being such great Grandparents!

Got to love helping Grandma make brownies! While Steele found the flour Ryklee claimed all of anything that had brownie batter on it!

And licked it all clean!


I think here she is yelling at Grandpa cause he was eating batter out of the pan and she wanted more! Really looks like she needs more, huh?

Quite the little artist!

So proud of himself!

"Wait I didn't get enough on this arm, Mom!"

"Ha, Ha, look what I found! I am at Grandma's and she won't even care!"
Thank you Candice for coming and spending time with me today!