Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday November !st was I would have to say one of the worst nights of my life. We had been out to dinner as a family and was on our way to Walmart to get Remie the movie Tinkerbell, then home to watch it. We was driving down American Fork State Street when a man turned in right in front of us causing Shawn to have to slam on his brakes and turn to miss him. We was driving Shawn's Jeep because when ever we go out as a family that is Remies favorite thing to drive. When Shawn turned he went into oncoming traffic and was going to hit a Suburban head on, so he turned back the other way and when he did our jeep rolled. I do not remember much about it, I must have been knocked out, when I came to I remember laying there, my arm stuck under the roll bar of the Jeep and I could see Shawns head. He didn't look to good to me. I don't really remember much after that. I just know that I am so thankful that my little family made it out of the accident alive. My little angels walked away with just a few scraps and bruises! Thank you, thank you, I know that they was being watched over! Shawn had a cut on his head that required stitches and he has a fractured vertibrea from a previous accident that flared up, the vertibrea that was hurt is the last one that holds your last two ribs so his ribs were very tender also. I am so thankful that he was not hurt worse than he was! I was cut on my face, which required plastic surgery to be sewn back up. My checkbones and my eye sockets are spiderweb fractured. I have bleeding and bruising on my brain that they thought they would have to do brain surgery and by some miracle they did not have to. My shoulder, arm and leg are all bruised up but thankful I did not have any broken bones in them, just damaged tissue and muscles. I am writing this a week after the accident happened and I am starting to look much better than I did, I wish that I would start to feel the way that I look, my head and arm and leg still just hurt. But soon I am hoping the pain will all start going away. I am very thankful for all the love and support that I have had! I am so lucky to have Shawn he has been such an amazing supporter though all of this, I know that this has all been very hard on him but he has been so good to help and do all that he can. I love you so much Shawn! I am also very thankful for my Mom and Dad! You guys are so amazing! I would never be able to make it though all of this without you! I love you so much and I am so thankful for you as parents! You are amazing!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your blog site with me, I didn't know that you had started your own! It was good to talk to you on the phone yesterday, I hope that you start to feel better soon! We love you

Lauri said...

Debbie told me about your accident but seeing the pictures just turns my stomach even more. I hope you are starting to feel better each day. Hang in there!

karisadarling said...

I am so glad you are doing a little better & I hope that you will be feeling 100% in no time. So lucky that your little ones are ok. If there is anything I can do let me know!

bonnie said...

I am so glad you have a blog now. I just tagged you on mine so I will look forward to see what you have to say. I hope you start to feel better soon! Take care...